Saturday, October 08, 2005

Bush and Blair punched on the nose

and kicked in the backside!

The choice by the Norwegian Nobel Committee of Mohammed el Baradei and the International Atomic Energy Association (IAEA) as the winners of the 2005 Nobel Peace Prize is the biggest possible condemnation of Bush and Blair.

It is important to remember that el Baradei is the man that Bush and his sidekick John Bolton worked tirelessly to get el Baradei kicked out of his position as the head of the IAEA. The harder they strove, the more support the rest of world gave this humble man.

With this being the 60 year comemorative anniversary of tragedies of Hiroshima and the Nagasaki Atomic Bomb attack committed by the Americans, this award again a sharp kick in the pants of the American philosophy of keeping weapons for themselves while trying to disarm the world.

Colin Powell, already sitting with his head between his legs and pulling constantly at his ears, is now looking redder in the face, very much like a baboons a***.

The humbleness of el Baradei, when he was interviewed on BBC World a couple of hours after his knowing of the award, was truly the height of genuineness of a man committed to his work AND his family.

When asked about what he would do with his share of the prize, he replied that it was something he would have to discuss with his wife as to what "causes" they will use the money for.

If the prize had been awarded just to the IAEA for their work, it could be understood that the Norwegian Nobel Committee was just doing a good job of giving the prize to an outstanding organisation. By naming el Baradei specifically in the award, the Norwegian Nobel Committee certainly booted the US down the stairs - and are we in the world glad for that!

el Baradei is 63, and in my opinion, the prize could not have gone to a nicer and thoroughly competent man who knows RIGHT from WRONG!


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