Sunday, September 25, 2005

Baghdad Moment; Washington Moments

I remember Ragi Omar of BBC screaming with all his stength about the Baghdad Moment which was hailed by Bush and Blair as being historic.

Here is a reminder of that moment.

Momentous Baghdad Event

Bush and Blair's Momentous Baghdad Moment,
the toppling of the Saddam Statute

Remember the huge crowds at this event - as was seen from those close up shots from the Mainstream Media - including BBC.

And how about this shot from yesterday's Washington Momentous Moment

Momentous Washington Event

Bush and Blair's Momentous Washington Moment,
on the toppling of Bush and Blair, 24th September 2005

My count says it is closer to 10 million viewed on the same scale as the Momentous Baghdad Moment.

And compared with this Pro-war rally in Washington yesterday, that Anti War rally must be 50 million!!

Pro war Rally in washington on 24th September 2005

Pro war Rally in washington on 24th September 2005


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